Diet and FitnessSelf Help

P90 Workout

What Can You Expect From P90?

The Beachbody team recently unveiled a new workout program called P90 – and it is a highly unique program that targets a different group of fitness enthusiasts than their other programs.

P90x and P90x3 are excellent workout programs designed to get you ripped very quickly. The only issue is that if you are a fitness beginner and have not formed a solid foundation you will not be able to perform the workouts due to the sheer intensity of the program.

Many people looking to lose weight quickly and/or get toned have been looking for a program that can give them incredible results without being overly intense for their current fitness level.

Tony Horton and the Beachbody team have hit the sweet spot with the P90 program. The P90 program is the perfect workout routine for anyone who is severely out of shape and is intimidated with the idea of going to the gym or attempting a hardcore workout program such as P90x.

Although P90x is a fantastic program that will give you quick results – it will be far too difficult for a lady who hasn’t worked out for 10 years, or a 37 year old man who is 100 lbs overweight.



The P90 program was designed to give you quick and long lasting results regardless of what your current fitness level is. Lets dive into the details of the P90 program and why it’s so effective for a fitness beginner.

P90 Workout Program Details

P90 is the gateway to getting fit regardless of age or fitness level. If you were a mom who recently had a kid, dad who hasn’t seen the gym in years or someone who is just plain old out of shape – P90 is your quickest path to getting a fit body.

P90 offers shorter workouts that are far less extreme than the P90x and P90x3 workout program. They are realistic workouts that will trigger fat loss and tone your body while slowly forming a fitness foundation.

The reason that a beginner should not attempt a hardcore program such as P90x is due to the concept of the “adaptive phase.” The adaptive phase is how long your body takes to adapt to the metabolic stress that is being placed on it during exercise.

The key to getting fast results is you want to speed up your progress through the adaptive phase and get into the “mastery phase” – where your body can handle the workouts and you start to see some accelerated returns.

The mastery phase is where the magic happens because your workouts will start to become fun and your body will recover very quickly.

P90 offers two different workout schedules labeled “sweat” and “sculpt.” P90 sweat is a cardio based workout schedule for someone looking to maximize his or her overall weight loss. The P90 sweat is designed so your body can burn the optimal amount of fat in the shortest amount of time. You only need a yoga mat and resistance bands to complete the Sweat workout schedule.

P90 sculpt is a resistance based workout schedule that promotes increased strength and muscle growth and will get you toned and ripped. You will just need some resistance bands and a yoga mat to complete the P90 sculpt section. You will still be losing weight quickly with the sculpt workout schedule – but it is also designed to get you toned and build lean muscle mass.

Depending on what your overall goal is – you can customize your workout schedule and focus on either sweat or sculpt. The great thing about the P90 program is the customization aspect – as you can tailor your workout to your main goals and each exercise even has a modifier.

On top of being able to customize your goal you also have three different training blocks. Blocks A,B, and C offer different goals and allow you to further customize your workout experience. As you move up the blocks the workouts become more challenging, so if you are a true fitness newbie and has never worked out your entire life you will be in Block A longer than someone who use to be in decent shape but hasn’t worked out for 7 years. The whole concept of blocks A,B,and C is to push you through the adaptive phase and into the mastery phase at the right pace that matches your fitness levels.



The workouts are designed to be 6 times a week and last 25-45 minutes long depending on which one you choose. You also have the Ab ripper workouts that last between 8-15 minutes and will target fat loss around your abdomen while toning your stomach muscles.

The diet plan that comes along with P90 is an excellent nutritional guideline for someone who does not want to count calories, look at complicated grocery lists and go through extreme dieting. It is a great introduction to a healthy diet that will optimize your weight loss results and improve your energy levels.

Overall P90 is a fantastic program for the fitness beginner to supercharge his or her fitness goals while pushing you into the mastery stage quickly.

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