Bitdefender 2019 Antivirus review
Bitdefender turned into one of the leading antiviruses on the market and is now on par with Kaspersky. As the independent third-party tests prove, this antivirus provides near-perfect protection from all kinds of malware and viruses.
If you’re looking for a strong and flexible antivirus to match your personal preferences, Bitdefender has the features and the customizability you’re looking for. Bitdefender’s Internet Security also gives you several levels of protection against ransomware attacks and can even prevent your webcam from being taken over. It’s scans are still the fastest and most thorough, and they don’t impact your PC’s performance, so you can always be safe. When you install it, Bitdefender continuously scans your computer for any suspicious files that match a list of threats the company updates almost daily. These powerful scans are available on all of Bitdefender’s products, even the free version.
If you’re constantly connecting external hard drives, USB drives, and other devices to your PC, you’ll also like Bitdefender’s scans of hardware, which check any new device you connect to and make sure they’re safe and clean. You can even do this manually by moving the device’s icon into the space highlighted on your computer’s desktop.
Bitdefender Antivirus Plus 2019 is one of the best antivirus software packages money can buy. The product is Bitdefender’s starter antivirus package for the Windows platform. It delivers strong protection, providing the essentials of malware searching tools, and some extras as well.
Bitdefender Antivirus covers all the necessities, including antivirus, real time system behavior monitoring and multi-layered ransomware protection. Additional features include malicious website blocking, online banking protection, a password manager and secure file deletion.
UPDATE: Bitdefender are extending a special offer to our readers. Follow this link to receive 50% OFF Bitdefender 2019 solutions!
Bitdefender offers a selection of subscription-based antivirus tools for both consumers and businesses. On the consumer-facing side, the company’s options include three key applications: Antivirus Plus, Internet Security, and Total Security. All three applications run off the same base program, with each version unlocking various new features. If you’re looking for the complete package, Total Security 2019 is the option you’ll want to explore.
Total Security 2019 offers up a large suite of features, many of which are dedicated to covering security threats many users may not actually realize exist. The heart of the program, however, is its real-time antivirus protection.
Even if your computer is a few years old, there’s a good chance Bitdefender Total Security 2019 will meet the minimum requirements.
As a leading antivirus solution, Bitdefender is very popular among international users. The algorithms are strong and will protect your sensitive data from any malware, ransomware, and other viruses.
Pricing is also fair, and it’s probably the biggest selling point of this product. The company is well-known and recognized around the globe; they’ve been building their reputation for many years.
Bitdefender Internet Security and Bitdefender Total Security are two of the best internet security suites. Bitdefender’s programs earned a perfect score for overall malware protection
Bitdefender Pros and Cons
- Malware protection deserves our highest praise
- This is one of the fastest antiviruses in the world
- System impact is light
- Online support is superb and can be accessed 24/7
- The free trials are very generous
- This antivirus comes with many features that you won’t find in most rival products
- If you’re looking for even better protection, the advanced security packages will get you covered
- The standard Bitdefender only works on a personal computer with the Microsoft OS; no offers for Mac, iOS, or Android devices
- Full scans are very thorough; however, they are quite slow (especially the first one)
UPDATE: Bitdefender are extending a special offer to our readers. Follow this link to receive 50% OFF Bitdefender 2019 solutions!
Setup Bitdefender Antivirus
You must create a free Bitdefender account before you’re able to download the trial of Antivirus Plus 2019, which essentially means handing over your email address. Many companies do something similar, though, and having an account does bring some genuine advantages, including the ability to view your device security status from Bitdefender’s web console.
We registered with our email address, downloaded Antivirus Plus and started the installation. The setup process ran smoothly, scanning our computer to confirm it was clean, installing browser extensions and generally sorting itself out with minimal hassle.
On first launch, Antivirus Plus displays a simple tour, walking you through the key areas of the interface. Experienced users won’t need this at all, but it’s good to have the help available for novices.
Close the tour window and you’re able to explore the polished Antivirus Plus console, a nicely designed interface which gives you speedy access to the features you need.
Quick scans are just a click away, while a left-hand sidebar organizes the suite’s other tools into Protection, Privacy and Utilities areas. Expanding these displays the various options available within and most users will quickly be able to find their way around.
The main console can be customized to replace its default options with anything you’re more likely to use. If you’re not interested in the VPN, for instance, in a few clicks you could swap it with a button to launch the system scan, the password manager, file shredder or whatever else you like.
Overall, the Antivirus Plus interface works very well. Beginners get easy access to the most important features, but there are also plenty of configuration options and low-level tweaks for experts to enjoy.
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