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Calmness during stressful situations. Energy to spare. Getting the perfect amount of sleep each night. Wouldn’t it be great it you could enter these states of mind whenever you needed?

Enter Thync. This wearable device, partnered with a smartphone app, uses neuroscience to “act in synergy with your mind and body,” which can help you effectively manage your fitness, mindfulness, and sleep:

  • Fitness – Thync “tunes your energy” so you can boost your workouts, optimize your performance, and aid in rest and recovery.
  • Mindfulness – The Thync app can help you focus, improve meditation, and enhance your yoga practice by reducing your body’s stress responses.
  • Sleep – Not only can the Thync app improve your sleep by activating “your body’s natural rest and recovery response,” but it can even give you an afternoon surge of energy without relying on caffeine.

But how does Thync do all of this? What kinds of results can you expect? And even if it works exactly like the manufacturer claims, is it worth the money?

You’ve got a lot of questions about Thync, and we’ll help you find the answers so that you can make a more informed purchasing decision. To start the process, let’s take a closer look at exactly how Thync works.

How Does Thync Improve Your State of Mind?

The Thync system consists of 3 main components: The module, which attaches to the side of your forehead; Calm and Energy strips that snap to the module and also attach to your head; and Vibes (calming or energy states) that are delivered through the Thync app on your iOS or Android device.

Taking all of these components together, Thync sends low-energy waveforms to different signal nerves on your head and face, which causes your body to relax or energize (we’ll talk more about this science behind this in the next section). And depending on the Vibes you choose in Thync’s app, this provides three different benefits:

Fitness, Motivation, Intensity, & Energy

When choosing Thync’s Energy Vibes, the system will increase mental arousal, resulting in two advantages. First, your focus and attention will shift, which can improve motivation and mental and physical energy (ever had an inner battle about working out, when the couch is calling your name?).

Second, Thync’s Calm Vibes can “produce physiological relaxation” to help you focus on your training, or even on an upcoming competition. The same Calm Vibes can be implemented after a workout to improve rest and recovery following training.

Mindfulness, Reduced Stress, & Improved Sleep

Speaking of Thync’s Calm Vibes, they’ll also help inhibit stress, block out distractions, and keep you balanced and in the present moment. As you might imagine, this increased relaxation can also help you “achieve a meditative state faster and maintain it for longer.”

Looking to also improve the quality of sleep? Just by wearing Thync 20 minutes before bed, you’ll be able to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. And because you won’t need caffeine throughout the day due to your increased mental energy, this will help you sleep even better.

Taken together, this is how Thync can “enhance peak physical and mental performance.”


Is the Thync System Right for You?

Sure, wondering whether or not the Thync system will work as well as the manufacturer claims is a fairly simple question. Unfortunately, the answer is anything but. Why?

First, the manufacturer claims that Thync will only work for about 80% of those who try it. So, if you’re among the 20% who won’t feel any results, it clearly won’t provide much value for your money.

Unfortunately, the company doesn’t provide any additional information about possible factors that could lead to it not working (assuming that they know, of course). As such, it doesn’t appear that you can know whether or not it’ll work without first forking over the cash.

Second, neurostimulation is a very new science. And although Thync’s management team is comprised of four neuroscientists, there’s a lot more we don’t know about this kind of technology than we do know. On top of this, clinical evidence supporting the efficacy of Thync and other neurostimulation devices is lacking (to put it mildly).

And to compound the issue even further, what little research there is can be plagued by the placebo effect, which is difficult (if not downright impossible) to overcome in clinical trials for these types of devices.

Given all of this, we’ll just have to wait and see if Thync lives up to the hype, and whether or not it ends up being anything more than an expensive toy. But the company behind Thync is certainly legitimate, and stands behind their product with a 30-day refund policy if you’re not satisfied.

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